Tips and Tricks for First Time Movers

First Time Movers

So, the time has finally come! You are entering the world of adulthood and finally moving out of your parent’s house and into your brand-new home. A place where dreams can be achieved, and memories made. You are feeling motivated, joyful and optimistic about what’s to come. But there’s one small thing – you don’t have a clue what you’re doing. That’s where we can help. We know just how stressful moving home can be, which is why we have put together a small guide on how to move in the most efficient and stress-free way possible.

Create a Moving Checklist

It is difficult to know where to start if you haven’t moved before. Luckily, we have already put together a moving checklist that can help you organise your life. From contacting utility suppliers, to paying your final bills. We have listed everything that you need to get done before moving out. You can find more information here. Another great checklist is the one provided on the Post Office website which really simplifies everything. You can also read that here

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Organise Your Belongings

In order to make the moving process run smoothly it is important to declutter your house. The best way to do this is to organise each room into three sections: throwing out anything old, donating or recycling things that you don’t use anymore, and keeping things that you know will get used in the new home. Once everything is organised it becomes easier to pack your belongings into boxes. We also offer storage facilities if you need extra storage between moves. This can be really helpful if you’re moving out before you are able to move in. To find out more information on our storage facilities click here.

Pack Up Your Life

Packing itself can be a very stressful task. If you’ve never done it before it can be difficult to know how many boxes to order, as well as how exactly to pack and organise your belongings. There are plenty of online calculators that can estimate how many boxes you will need based on the number of rooms and the number of people living in the house. We can also help with this and deliver the boxes to your door and collect them after the move is finished. We would also recommend labelling each box to make it easier when you’re trying to unpack. Finally, if packing just isn’t for you we provide a service whereby our expert staff can pack everything for you ensuring that your goods are kept safe and nothing is damaged. To find out more click here.

Removals packing service

Finishing Touches

We all know just how challenging moving can be. But if you follow our steps then you should be well prepared for the process. At Clockwork Removals our staff are expertly trained and extremely knowledgeable so if you have any queries about the move feel free to contact us and a member of our team will help you.  We have been helping people move homes for over 25 years so we will be sure to make the process run as seamlessly as possible.



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